Surprising My Sister: Birthday Bouquets, Pastries, and a Dash Around Town

it’s my sister’s real actual birthday so come with me to run some errands because we’re gonna surprise her this morning trying to make a bit of a nicer bouquet than what they had in the store so I got a couple different flowers and we’re doing it in the car ha ha a little heavy on the baby’s breath oh oh no no don’t fall alright so next up we’re gonna pick up some pastries and whatever else I can find I forgot candles back to the grocery store I kinda knew I was forgetting something I’m processing now we get the rest of the stuff she’s also asleep too so I’m trying to race against time here is that everything for you thank you so much think we’re gonna make just one more stop total side note but my sister literally lives in the cutest town in Oregon ever I ended up just getting a chocolate chip cookie because I didn’t know if I could wait on take out to go cause I think she’s about to wake up mission accomplished