Speed Showdown: Porsche 911 Turbo Dominates the Track

Next up on the track, we got a Porsche 9 11 Turbo. Let’s see what this tuned Porsche can do. It did very well in the CASE races, which is why it made it here. And it did super well on the track, getting a round turn 3 and finishing off right around our fourth and fifth place competitors of all time. 205 scale speed and incredible run for the tune Porsche. Next up, we got the Mitsubishi Pajero, one of the faster cars from the Hot Wheels 2024 L case. It stays on all four wheels as it goes around the track, but he’s not gonna do very well, just barely getting to turn three. Not even close to what it takes to beat the Porsche. 205 scale speed from the Mitsubishi. He’s fast, but not fast enough to win today’s race. And finally, we have a response. Team Chevy Camaro. This was the fastest car from the Hot Wheels 2020 4K CASE. Let’s see what it’s able to do on the distance track. It’s not gonna do very well, landing off on the middle of turn 3. It’s gonna be the Porsche taking it. 205 scale speed from the Camaro is not going to be enough for it to take the win today. The Porsche is going to take it, becoming. What is that, our sixth fastest car on the distance championship, dethroning the black Lamborghini Aventador. Unfortunate for Lamborghini, but a great one for the Porsche car. We’ll see a lot more of in the future.