Creating Visuals for Musicians: A Journey from Idea to Implementation

Musicians have this problem that they finish a song and as a musicians you always need visuals for every song you put out, right? For social media, for TikTok, for, for Spotify even nowadays. And it’s really, really hard to create visuals. And so I kind of oriented them the platform um, for that use case. And yeah, I, I just spoke to the users, Learned from them and trying to build, but they want. And what was that like on the back end of building that? Yeah, that was fun. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. So I, I mean, I have an academic background, so I’m not a computer scientist or any like, anything like that. But I was lucky because when I started building it, Chaturbate had just come out. And yeah, I mean I, I kind of wrote with, with chat GPT on one side and the code a little on the other. Learned a lot doing that. I really loved it to be honest. I was in a seven week of non stop building mode until. Until the first release. And um, yeah, now my responsibilities shifted a bit. Shifted a bit. We’re now eight people, uh, so I’m on the managerial path which is also new and, and exciting.