Mastering Video Quality: Unlocking iPhone Camera Settings for Professional Results

Recording high quality video isn’t about having the best camera or the best smartphone capable of recording in such quality, but it’s also about having the right settings required and to have those required settings need full control of your camera settings. Your iPhone’s native camera app restricts you from having access to these settings but with this free app, you’ll be able to transform your videos. This is the black magic come up and it grants you full control of your phone’s camera settings just like you would on a professional camera and it’s important. There are four settings you need to change according to your scene. FPS, shutter, ISO, white balance. These are the settings I use if you’re recording videos for the internet. You either choose between 24 or 30 F P s, 60 F P s and above is for slow motion videos. But for typical videos like you’re watching right now, it’s between 24 or 30 F P s. Shutter is double the f P s hence it will be one of our double the f P s you choose. If you choose 24, it’s one of our 48. If you choose 30 F P s it’s 1 over 60 I s o is how bright your video will look. If you have a setup with lights like I do, you should reduce it to as low as possible in this case hundred white balance refers to the temperature of your video, how warm or Cold it will look basically how orange or blue your video will look. It’s best to set it according to the lighting condition you have. What I use is the daylight setting which is fifty six hundred Kelvin based on the light that I use. These are the settings I used to record all of my videos. You can try it to see if it works for you. Also try to shoot at a minimum resolution of 1080 p. Anything below that is unacceptable. It’s that simple. What else?