Financial Freedom: A Guide to Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps

Baby Step 1 is you need a thousand dollars saved. All right? Most Americans could not cover a thousand dollar emergency without using some form of debt. So a thousand dollars puts you ahead of the majority of Americans. Baby Step 2 you’re paying off all of your debt except the mortgage using the debt snowball method. We’re not listing it by, uh, payment. We’re not listing it by interest rate. We’re listing it by balance, smallest to largest. You make minimum payments on everything and then throw all your extra money at the smallest debt. Next comes Baby Step 3. Saving up three to six months of expenses. You need this. This is your basic budget that you’re saving for. Baby Step 4 investing 15% of our income. Baby Step 5 investing for the kids, college, whatever amount works with your budget. Baby Step 6 we’re moving with intentionality to pay off our home finally. Baby Step 7 you’re living and giving like no one else. That’s how this works.