Designing Your Dream Life: A Mentor’s Advice on Financial Freedom and Living with Intention

when I was 22 my mentor said to me what would your life look like if you had no credit card payments no student loans no car payments no personal loan payments and no mortgage like what would you do every day and at 22 I didn’t actually even have an answer because it felt so crazy to even think about I didn’t know a life like that would even be a possibility she really encouraged me to sit down and pay attention like what I would do every day and um she said focus on the five senses so what do you smell what do you eat what do you um hear what’s around you that is a part of this life that you want and I just finished doing a training in my group coaching and I was talking about this dream life and I was talking about how like when you know what your dream life is the sacrifices that you’re making when you’re on a budget don’t feel as much like sacrifices because you know you you are getting to your dream life but also you’re able to sprinkle in little bits of your dream life throughout your life right now and it doesn’t feel like you’re waiting and waiting and waiting to to make it um and so we’ve been sprinkling in intentional pieces of our dream life along the way but it has just felt so good to like know that we’re working for a specific purpose and a specifically dream and honestly it just makes budgeting so much better and so much more exciting because we’re slowly getting closer and closer to this dream life