Navigating Relationship Challenges: A Personal Journey

oh well you’re gonna break up with me why don’t you just break up with me now it’s just like you know I can’t stop reading the horrible comments my ex puts about me on Reddit I feel disconnected from my boyfriend after his hospital stay I just received the meanest text message I’ve ever received from a man there’s no such thing as we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend but we’re exclusive when someone says I don’t want a relationship right now you just simply say thank you for being honest I do my mom said that I was doing wife duties on a girlfriend salary this is a pattern of mine for sure you have to break that pattern your ego wants to know they’re having a hard time getting over it your ego wants to know that they live with regret for fucking up what you thought was potentially a really good thing but the end of the day who gives a fuck he doesn’t want a girlfriend he’s trying to put you in your place does he name you on Reddit no does he have an anonymous kind of username on Reddit no it is his single name okay well there is that