Understanding Submission in Marriage: A Message on Compromise and Unity

listen I don’t know who needs to hear this but if you’re not willing to submit to a man or a woman there is no need of you wasting somebody else’s time and marrying if you have the attitude of i’mma still do what I wanna do when I wanna do it and I’m not gonna submit to this person there is no need of bringing nobody into that folly with you when you submit one to another it does not mean that you’re bowing down to the next person it does not mean that so you can get that out of your head all it means is is you’re coming to a compromise with one another for the greater good of the union so if you have no intentions of submitting to a man or submitting to a woman and you still have the i’mma do me attitude there is no need of you wasting anybody else’s time with your folly once again submitting one to another only means that both of you all are coming to a compromise and y’all doing this for the greater good of the relationship and that’s pretty much what it boils down to y’all have a blessed day