Crisp and Crispy: A Coca Cola Can Review for the Senses

okay Mamatot Coca Cola you got me in on this one the crisp crispy whatever first uh Coca Cola in the can Coca Cola I have always loved and cherished you as my go to when I have a bad headache or whatever may be going on sinuses headache I don’t know what it is caffeine Coca Cola in the can has solved and cured me many times I don’t drink soda otherwise so I would be a good one to test for the crisp and crispy so we’re gonna do that right now because I’ve had a heck of a day I think I burnt my eyeballs and I’ve got a major headache from it so let’s try this out first let’s do the sounds crisp crispy crispity crisp it sounds perkly let’s let’s check it out it’s sounding like looking like fizzin where’s my fizz what wait a minute I’m done