Midnight Musings: A Rollercoaster of Emotions in the Gym

Hi. Happy first day of school. I just got to the gym. It’s currently 9:43 at night. Picture day is tomorrow. I have a Pitbull concert tomorrow. Do not sure when I’m gonna sleep, because I probably won’t leave here, and I probably won’t get home till, like, 11:30 ish. I’m also gonna tan while I’m here. Anyway, that’s besides the point. I really just, like, needed to get out of my house, and my parents and I were arguing. I was like, guys, I. I really just need to go, and I can’t really hear a no from you right now, or else I’m gonna be really even more upset. Anyway, so they’re like, you better leave them right now. And so we don’t say anything. I was like, perfect. I’m leaving right now. I’m not gonna come back. I will literally sleep in my car. Just kidding. That’s a joke. I’m going home because I’m scared of the dark, basically, and I would never sleep in my car. I can’t. Anyway, I had an energy drink. I had. Bro, we went to the mall. I went to Great Lakes, and. Well, okay. Anyway, I went to the mall with friends, and, like, dude, I can’t even. Like, I don’t even know. It was so weird and, like, ghetto. And there I was like, oh, I’m scared. I’m literally scared. I literally. And then I forgot my energy drink in the bathroom. I was like, car. And then somebody Like, I don’t know. They were, like, telling me somebody’s gonna put something in it. So then I had to go buy a whole new one. And then I was sad, and then basically had three energy drinks today, but okay. Anyway, now this creepy person’s parking. I gotta go. Anyway, um, I hope you have a great, miserable day, and I’ll talk to you later.