Title: A Comedic Encounter: Introducing ‘Justin,’ the Boyfriend with a Twist

Oh my god, I’m so excited. You get to finally meet my boyfriend. Oh yeah, I’m excited too. Yeah, he’s like such golden retriever energy. Like, he’s so cute. Yeah, I’m, I’m excited. Did I say that alright? I’m excited. Ha! Oh, there he is, there he is. Come here, come here. Oh, there’s my good boy. Meet my boyfriend. Oh, um. Speak. Come on, speak. Hi, my name is, uh, Justin. So. That’s such a cute name. Yeah, uh, sure, yeah. Uh, so Justin, uh, what do you do? Oh, I do sass and punctuation. Down, boy, down, down, down. I’m so sorry. He’s not supposed to speak out of turn like that. You did such a good job. Who’s a good boy? Sit, sit, sit. I think he’s, he’s sad already. Oh, is it good? But you want a treat? You want a treat? Yeah, yeah, I would. Can you give me a macchiato? Oh, that’s so sweet. I can’t give you that, but you can have this bird carcass I found in a park. Okay. I don’t know what’s happening right now. Oh, I’m sorry. It’s cause you’re jealous. So I shouldn’t have been flaunting our relationship. I know dating hasn’t been working for you ever since they botched your jaw surgery. I didn’t get jaw surgery. Oh, um, Justin, come on, come on. Who wants to go in the car? You wanna go in the car? I’ll roll the windows down. I do actually. Yeah