Unlocking Consistency: Tips for Staying Disciplined When Motivation Wanes

How do you stay motivated all the time? Question I constantly get asked and the answer is I don’t. Nobody does. The better question is how do you continue being consistent and disciplined when you aren’t feeling motivated? Because I’ve Learned the secret to success is what you do on the days you don’t want to show up. My first tip train with a plan. I can’t explain how much easier it is to convince yourself to go when you have a plan in place and workouts already set for you. Failing to plan is planning to fail, and that is the same for your nutrition. Okay, second tip is to focus on performance and strength. Hyper focusing only on your physical appearance is the best way to demotivate yourself, so set some performance goals. Third tip is to surround yourself with people who will push you and hold you accountable on the days it’s hard. Do for yourself. Find an accountability partner or a community. My team has a group chat that every single day is full of support and accountability. If you’re looking for a plan or community, come try mine out in my profile link here. Remember, you’re not gonna be motivated every day. Just keep doing your best to show up for yourself.