Remembering Hemi: A Tribute to a Beloved Companion

I knew this day was coming, but I’ve been putting it off for a while. Over the last five months, he’s had a steady decline. His body is just not working the way that it used to. He’s been having a lot of balance issues. He’s barely able to get up on his own, and when he does, all he does is fall over. Somehow he’s managed to be able to get to his food and water dish without my help. That hasn’t been the case over the last five days. And now he’s fully dependent on me. We made a decision that before it gets to a place of pain and suffering, to let him go. He has no quality of life the way he is. Let me tell you the story of my little baby. We got him from my sister in 2,013. And at that time, he was already 3 years old. That makes this little guy 14 years old, but in dog years, almost 100. When we got him, he took to me immediately. He became the best little buddy I’d ever had. He followed me around everywhere I went. He slept in the bed with us. He even went to the bathroom with me. Before getting this little guy, I’d never experienced the loyalty and companionship of a dog like this. We’ve had several dogs before this, but none of them ever made me feel like I was its sole one and only master. He Used to do the cutest little trick. He’d sit on his hind legs and wave his little paws at me so that I would pick him up. And, of course I would. That’s because he was spoiled. He was my little baby. But he spoiled me in return with all of his loyalty. I’m gonna miss this little guy. I love you, little Hemi. And I hope you see your brothers and sisters when you cross over that rainbow bridge.