Baking Adventures: The Unconventional Heart Cake with Tres Leches and Fresh Strawberry Filling

Hey, y’all, long time no see, cause I’ve been MIA for a minute now, but let’s get into crumb coating this heart cake, because I did this heart cake a little bit different than I normally do it. This cake had a Tres leches and fresh strawberry filling. So I had no choice but to stack my cakes like this, which was kind of weird at first, but I got the hang of it. And then on top of that, the cakes were slightly warm because this was a last minute cake. This is another method that a lot of people use to cut their heart cakes, but I don’t typically use them because, I don’t know, just creates more steps than I really need. Not only was this cake Tres leches filled, but it was also a fresh strawberry filled. And I feel like that’s, like, the best combination. And you guys know I do not skim on my filling. You are gonna get what you paid for. But y’all tell me why my phone ended up dying mid recording. Like what? Like, my phone knew I was trying to make some content, but it just wanted to die on me. So I wasn’t able to record the rest of the fillings. But here’s the final product. It was a Spider Man cake, and I hope you guys like it. Bye, y’all.