Title: Drama at the Peninsula Green: A Tale of Water Hazards and Par Saves

22 yards. This was just earlier. Steve Stricker cruising in a one under round. Four under. And splashdown just wiped across. It didn’t release. So he’s playing with Bo Van Pelt. So Van Pelt watches Stricker go in the water. And this with a 5 iron. But an indication of what can happen at this Peninsula green today. Pamela gets on the turf, and he follows Stricker into the water. How many times have you heard your playing partner or your buddy say, this is the craziest game in the world? This was Steve Stricker after the water from the drop spot. You’re within an inch of holding it out. You saw Bo Van Pelt was playing. Competitor hit it in the water in the very same holes. So this was Van Pelt with his third shot from the trap area. He copied Stricker off the tee, and now hopefully, he can copy him on the third shot. Oh, how about one better? How about one inch better? How about a nice par? Is that crazy or what? Yeah. The last guy in the Tour Championship in the 30th spot, playing alongside Mr. September, who’s been injured this week but still grinding things out. He taps in for the bogey, but Ben Hogan’s partner both went in the water.