Efficiency and Frustration: A Car Buying Experience

Hey, how you doing? What’s going on, man? Yes, sir. Is this the car? This is the car. Perfect. Perfect. Yes, sir. Okay. It’s really clean. Mercedes. Okay. Yes, sir. Big body. Alright. Yeah. Is it a lot? Uh, it is perfect on here. Okay, perfect. Perfect. Yeah, for sure. I mean, we can get the paperwork going. I only have about like 15 minutes. I don’t really have any time to spare. I’ve already been here for two minutes. I need you to hurry up. Hurry up. Come on. Where’s your desk? Uh, uh, follow. Follow me. Uh, we can go to my desk and uh, I can. I can get the paperwork. Three minutes. Now. Come on. All right. What about test driving? We can test. No, I’m. We can test drive it. Dude, come on. All right. Is this your office? Where’s your office? Right here. I have some French fries. Four minutes. Come on. Four minutes. Okay. Alright. So, uh, you didn’t let me know kind of what credit was. Alright, where’s the application? I’m. Application again. You’re taking a lot of time. I don’t have a lot of time to spare. Come on. Listen. So the car buying process usually takes about an hour to two hours. I can’t. I can’t. Listen. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Only have 20 minutes, man. You only have. How long does it take to sell a car? Um, so you know, you can. Last dealership I was at, I Was in and out. I sent everything online. Did everything. So why didn’t you do that here? You know, you can do most of everything online. You can get videos sent to you. I can send you numbers on everything. I could have had this delivered to your doorstep. Let’s do that. Okay, so what’s the point in coming here? I didn’t know. I didn’t know that you guys had that here at Dallas. Lease return. Yes. So that’s the best way you should be buying a car. You know that, right? Right. Okay. I mean, we’re in 2024. Let’s get it going. Just text me the five minutes. You’re here already, so let’s go ahead and test drive the vehicle. We’re gonna go through the whole entire process. Okay? I can’t let you leave.