Navigating College Recruiting: Understanding Committable and Uncommittable Offers

So I get a lot of parents that call me and they ask me or they DM me, and they wanna know, you know, we talk about uncommittable offers or fake offers or how does that happen? Or where do those kind of things come from? I’m gonna tell you what could happen. Some of the, you know, I’ll give you a couple examples of. Couple things that could happen to you in recruiting. I was coaching a kid, very good player. Ended up going to a group of five Division 1 school, but he got offered by a lot of. A lot of big ten schools. So I had two other players in that same class who I would say were premium recruits, and it was a little tougher for them to get around campus and go on visits and things like that. So the culture of this particular school, I won’t say the college’s name or getting anything like that, um, because the game is the game. But he really pressed this other player and their parents to bring the kids on campus and come up there for a weekend. So they all have an offer from this particular school. But the reality of the situation is, the coach really wants the other two kids. That parents are not going on the trip. He just wants them to be able to see campus. And his only way of getting them up there was to. To talk to these Other parents and get them to bring that kid up there as well. So they do the facility tour. They do, you know, everything that you’re doing in the visit, the academic meetings, the tour. You meet with the position coaches, the strength coaches and what not. And then the other two guys, they’re not gonna commit to this school. They just wanted the opportunity to shoot their shot. But the kid whose parents drove him up there, they’re ready to commit on the spot. But of course, the coach does not take the commitment right. And so now it. It creates a major issue. The parents upset, they feel like they’ve been used, which they have been used in this situation. Um, but when I was trying to explain to them that the school really didn’t want them, it was kind of something they had to see for their self and figure it out. But when you’re going on these visits, when you’re going on these game day visits, they. These game day invites, and you gonna be spending your time, you gonna be spending your money, you need to try to get some type of semblance of what is the school’s real interest level in you, because things like this happen all the time. Sometimes you could be being used for rides. Sometimes that schools will offer you to help the 7:07 coach or the high school coach even, um, show that he’s getting guys recruited so he Can continue to recruit players to his own program, but there’s no real interest. If you get an offer, a committable offer, the Division 1 head coach, we’ll talk to you, meet with you, and he’ll let you know that you can commit to the school. And if that doesn’t happen, then you can’t go. It’s not an option for you. So those are things that are important, and I. I’ll come back and drop a couple more later on. I gotta get ready for our show here shortly. But that was on my mind because that was an answer to a question that a parent just asked me, um, a couple hours ago about visiting schools and committable versus uncommittable offers.