Redefining Politics: A Call for Development Over Elections

What for example, would would you have loved to do different being at the top decision making body of the ruling party to tell them to spend more time on development as they spend on time of their elections they spend more time in politics we want you to spend as much time in development as you spend in a in, in in those elections so Niram is doing we need to balance teaching than the work being done all of them all the political class not only Niram, the whole political class. Okay. They, they, they, they use this development thing to to to make a point about the elections. Yes. How different can N R m be able to do the politics? Because I mean looking at our entire period of um from since independence N R m has been the longest serving government in power more than half but you know, you keep on saying in Arum how many political class from other parties are in Arum? How many? Okay, but we don’t look at the whole political class. No, no, no. You should look at all the political class so we look at the individuals in there. No, all of them. Uh huh, all of them. I have not said individuals. Yeah, all of them they are the same the ones we have today are the same their thinking is about elections doesn’t it then get to to to tell us about what kind Of society. We are having, that’s right. We are, we don’t understand political parties. We are misunderstanding them. We are misusing them. We don’t understand, we don’t understand when we are given positions in government, we, we play all sorts of games. We need to become serious, and we need to get that, that formula, liquor and you hard. We need people who have got merit, meritocracy. We need people who are, are, are pragmatic. And we need people who are honest. Do you think we can turn back the hands of time and get back to the individual merit? All human beings have had that all the years. You know, empires have fallen, and they have risen up again. We had the, the, the, the, the Roman Empire. We had the Greek Empire. We had the British Empire. Yeah. Those empires will, will all decline. The important thing is, human beings must, must move. We had the French Revolution. So this can be done.