The Uncanny World of Targeted Ads: A Dystopian Future or Just a Coincidence?

You know when you say that you want a pizza out loud, and then you suddenly get a pizza ad? I like to consider myself to be an intellectual, so I was highly skeptical of that being, like, a calculated thing. I chalked it up to mere coincidence. Conspiracy. Like the FBI watching you through your webcam? Do you understand the life that you’d have to lead for the FBI to be watching you in any way, shape, or form? Anyway, I didn’t believe that that shit was true until last week. So I was chilling with my boys, and we were talking about cars. I was like, you know what? I think it’s time to upgrade my car. Veronica, my baby, I love her, but I’ve outgrown her, and it might be time to move on. My friend was explaining to me that I can sell my car, use some of the money from the sale of the car to put down a deposit on another car, and then have some money left over. Bear in mind, this was just a conversation. I go on YouTube. Three hours later, the first ad I get, sell your car to us for sell my car. How do you know I’m thinking about selling my car? I have never received an ad like that before. What’s in the George Orwell is going on here? I don’t like this. I’m so. I’m paranoid now. Guys, we might genuinely be living a dystopian future. My belief that we aren’t being listened to 24 7 is waning. But if somebody is listening to me speak right now, if you’re in here listening right now, I want you to know that if you do not deposit 250 K into my bank account by the end of today, you’re a bitch.