Cost of Living Comparison: Grocery Prices in Western vs Eastern Europe

People are always saying to avoid Western Europe because the prices are so high, but I stand by that. Prices in Eastern Europe have gotten so expensive so rapidly becoming not that much more affordable compared to countries in the west. I’m in Berlin right now for a month and I just went to the grocery store today and the prices appalled me. And living in Hungary last year earning an American salary, I was expecting to save a decent amount of money. And while rent is a lot lower than in Berlin for example, grocery prices are double. When would you ever see grocery prices anything like this in Hungary, Croatia, even Serbia? I had so much fun shopping. I’ve never been like walking around the grocery store smiling because things are actually normally priced and the quality is good. You get so much more value for your money. My groceries cost me less than €40 and this level of hall would have been so much money had I been living in Hungary. Still get the average wage in Germany compared to in Croatia or Hungary for example, grocery prices being half of the cost. There’s a lot of other struggles with living in Berlin. For example, I’m sure locals here don’t think groceries here are cheap at all. But also then imagine how expensive they are in these other countries. I don’t know how you’re meant to get by on these wages with these prices, whereas you can Go to Germany, make double to triple the salary. And pay less for aspects of your cost of living, like groceries. I know rent is a lot more. I’m not saying rent is not so excited to be here for the next month. So follow for more and shall