Analyzing an Image: First Impressions and Insights

I have another exercise for us to try. I’m gonna show you an image. I’m gonna show you an image, and what I want for you to do is to list the first three things that you notice. First three things. If you want to go into explanation as to why you notice those things, that’s fine. If you just wanna say, I notice this, that’s also fine. If you don’t want to say anything at all, that’s also fine. But three things that you notice from this picture. And then we’ll come back and I will share with you what I noticed from this picture. We’ll go from there. This is a cover from the latest issue of the New Yorker magazine. So I’m gonna leave this here. Hopefully that’s enough time for you to screenshot it and with the picture. Uh, but again, top three things that you notice. I am very strategically leaving this picture without any context because, again, I want to see what you notice. And if you are gonna share what you notice, again, the top three things, you can look at it in depth after that. But the first three things is what I want you to share with me, what you noticed. And again, if you wanna share anything that you picked up after that, that’s fine. And then we’ll go from there.