Skating Through Questions: The Political Deception of Fake Phone Calls and Milkshakes

IPhones have now allowed politicians to just skate out of any question. Barbara. Hello? I am so sorry, Senator Alice, the president is calling. Oh, dear. I’m sorry. Excuse me just for one second. Well, listen, while you take your fake phone call, is it okay if I steal Dan for a second? Or should I say Steal Dan back? Could you hold on just one second? You know what? Actually, this phone call is not fake. And Dan is his own man. He can go wherever he wants. Okay. I’m sorry to keep you holding, Mr. President. This way, Dan. Actress Kamala Harris pretending to take important phone calls so she doesn’t have to answer important questions from reporters. Madam Vice President, do you still support reparations? Sorry, I’m on a call. How do we know no one was on the other end of the line? Well, when your earbuds are in, you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear. This phony campaign looks the same no matter who’s on the ticket. Here’s Tim Walsh. Great State Fair. Glad to have you all out here, uh, enjoying every bit of it. And started the day with pork chop and vanilla shake, so it’s great. Every night we go through all of the decision memos and, uh, meeting with the commissioners. Uh, I stay updated throughout the day, and I’m in and out. Most of my time is, uh, day out and then back in. Governor, how you Feeling. What’s your reaction to the six hostages being found dead, um, in Baghdad? Alright, thanks, everybody. Dead American hostages. Guys, I got a milkshake. It’s gonna melt.