Nourishing Without Restrictions: A Day in the Life of Mindful Eating

what I eat in a day as someone who doesn’t restrict but still likes to be conscious of what I’m eating coffee first always for breakfast I was kind of craving something sweet so we are going with some peanut butter toast on some of the Dave’s Killer Bread I feel like I forget about peanut butter toast and then it becomes a hyperfixation meal for me for lunch I’m having a factor meal you all know the drill they taste a thousand times better when you play them for a snack I had some of the made good mini chocolate chip cookies for dinner I made one of the main staples in this household which is fajitas my husband was on grill duty and he made the steak and the chicken and then I chopped up the veggies and cooked those on the stovetop I don’t know what it is about these but they are always so delicious you know I always end my day with the Blue Bunny mini ice cream cone