Crisis in the Courts: Missing 12,000 Pages and Delayed Justice for Durban’s Beaches

I don’t normally comment or criticize our courts, but it is deeply concerning that in November 2022, action s a filed court papers against E Theweni Municipality, provincial government and national government around the sewer spilling to our beaches, which negatively affected our economy and tourism. Now we have been delayed by ethekwini municipality not submitting their answering affidavits on time, not providing a plan to fix infrastructure after several orders from the court. Now we are being told by the court, Durban High Court, that 12 thousand pages of our court file has gone missing. How Durban High Court really can lose a big file like that? How can someone steal 12,000 pages of a document inside the court? Government need to answer to this or the court must answer. The court must answer. This doesn’t make any sense how a file can go missing inside the high court. We need answers.