Punishments for Underage Smoking and Vaping: Who’s Responsible and What to Expect

What’s the punishment for underage smoking and vaping? Well, it depends on where it happens, but it’s basically the punishment could be and how extensive it is and where it happens and how old is underage. So, but, and how often it happens as well. So, but it can be, there could be, the punishment could be a punishment for the guardian, there could be a fine for the guardian for having allowed for this to happen. Uh, and so depending if, let’s say if it happens all too often and quite sort of openly, let’s say in school and such, there could even be some, uh, some punishment to the individuals, uh, themselves as so like minor, uh, for minors there is, there are also, minors can also be held responsible. But, um, yeah, so it depends on the circumstances, but basically your parents will, your guardians will, will suffer first. So be mindful.