Decisions and Dilemmas: A Humorous Look at Life’s Choices

Chicken niggas. Yummy! Or chicken boobies? Oopsie, I meant chicken breast. I’m picking chicken nug nuggets. Vinegar or salt? I prefer a different white powder. Ha ha ha ha ha! What? Ah, so good! I’m picking vinegar. Throw your dad into an active volcano. Bye bye bye bye! Or throw Mommy off a building. No, I’m not picking. This next question is impossible for you to answer. Shower in school, where six of your friends wait for you to drop that soap so they can slip in through the crack and get inside the hole. Oh yeah? Or shower at home. I’m showering in school. Haha I’m dropping that. Save your daddy’s life or get infinite V bucks! Bye bye daddy! Haha guys, are you guys saving your daddy’s life or getting infinite V bucks? I’m getting in. Never mind. Let me know what you guys think in the comments. And make sure you guys hit that follow so we can hit 1 million followers. I’m gonna be following everyone back.