Rewriting History: A Father’s Journey to Secure a Bright Future

Deep down, man, the reason, the true reason I’m doing all of this, and, you know, the biggest. The biggest reason is obviously for my son. My little boy, like, I wanna, you know, give him a whole different life. My family and I had growing up. Just wanna switch things up. Now. I wanna be the one, like it says in the song, I wanna be the one to rewrite history. And it’s just so true. Like, when we were going back and forth on that line, I was like, Dang, this is so real to me and my story and everything, you know, that’s so true. Like, I really want to be the one to switch things up and, you know, set my family up, set my little boy up to where he doesn’t have to struggle on or any. Have any kind of trial in his life whatsoever. I want to be the one to do that for him.