Empowering Wisconsin: Governor’s Commitment to Workers’ Rights and Economic Prosperity

One of the great honors of being Governor of Wisconsin is seeing the important determination, ingenuity, and drive of the of the union workers for firsthand. We have some of the best workers and best labor leaders in the country and our state is stronger because of that. As your governor, I fought to protect workers rights, we’ve lowered taxes so working families can keep more of their hard earned cash, we put people to work fixing the damn roads over 7,000 of them across the state, and we’ve invested in apprenticeship and job training programs to prepare folks for good paying jobs across our state. And I vetoed bills that would have made it more easy for children to be put into the workforce. Because we’re doing the right thing folks. Wisconsin’s economy is strong. We have more people working today than ever before in our state’s history and the future is bright.