Navigating Mental Health Stigma and Support: A Candid Reflection on Seeking Help and Sharing Vulnerability

We need to have a little bit of a check in. Right, because I sat and thought on this all night, and then I was like, no, I actually am gonna talk about it. Yesterday I made a video where I said that, um, a month ago, I had called my doctor and asked for an autism referral, and that yesterday I had called, basically saying that my anxiety was just getting too high and my head was really noisy and I just needed a bit of support. Now, the whole reason I made that video and I put that out there is cause I thought about it and I was like, I cannot be that creator that sits here and just gives you all of this perfection and all of this rosy, look at me life with PR holes and TikTok shop and stuff like that. That’s not me. I can’t do that. So it’s like I’m gonna put out there that I’m finding things a little bit tough right now, more than a little bit. Very in hope that if someone else is feeling alone, if someone else is struggling, they will just think, okay, if she’s done it, I can pick up the phone and just ask for help. That was it. And for the most part, right, the reception was absolutely lovely. Actually, a few people did leave a comment. I was like, I’m gonna pick up the phone. Thank you. Um, and that’s exactly kind Of what I’d hope to see and what I focused on. But then towards, like, later in the day, in the evening, people started coming through, and I was like, I can’t believe, as adults, we’re leaving comments like this. Annoyed that I’ve managed to get a doctor’s appointment, or annoyed that the doctor’d listen to me. Or people even leaving comments about the city I live in, naming where I live, and, um, the fact that mental health referrals are being shut. And I was like, are we serious? Or other people are like, well, I can’t even get an autism diagnosis. And I understand, I understand the system is falling apart. I understand the system is riddled with problems. I know that. Um, but I am not necessarily in a, like, it just made me feel bad for somebody that’s already a little bit vulnerable. To put themselves out there like that, in just sheer hope of positively influencing somebody else and maybe making someone else feel a little bit less lonely. You know, if you’ve got a video that someone admits, like, I’ve got really bad anxiety, my anxiety is, like, controlling my life a little bit. And then people leaving comments like that, do you not think potentially that’s going to make them feel worse? It’s like, come on, let’s think about it a little bit. Like, you’re literally trying to make somebody feel bad. Who’s taking a positive step for their mental health. He’s trying To encourage other people to take positive steps for their mental health. And just manage to speak to a doctor. Like, it. I had to really sit back and think about it, and I was like, no, I am at the moment. Like, the way that humanity is being towards each other sometimes, it’s just so fucking questionable. Like, we should be. If I see a creator, especially a creator with a large plot page, talking openly and frankly about any mental health issue, and encouraging other people to do the same, because often, 9 times out of ten, just talking really helps, um, and it helps people feel less alone, because it’s some of those most lonely points of your life, then I will applaud that person. If I see a smaller creator do it, I will report, like, applaud that person. Someone leaves a comment on my post, it was like, I dealt with this today. My response is always like, I’m proud of you. I don’t even know you, but I am proud of you. Like, for God’s sake, stop dragging people down. Stop putting your own negativity onto other people all the time. It is not their responsibility, it is not their fault. And if somebody’s already struggling, why are you adding to that plate? Potentially, like, come on, we’re all adults here, for God’s sake. It’s not my problem or not my fault that I managed to get a GP appointment. It’s not my fault That my GP. Listen to me. Saw my children were diagnosed with autism and thought, okay, maybe we need to get you looked at as well. That’s all I’m gonna say. Have a beautiful day. He, he, he. And this page is just my. It’s our positive place. It’s our place to speak our truth as well. Which is why I make videos like this. Actually talking properly. Because I am not a robot. I’m not just here to show you this brand and that brand. I’m here to be a real person. But have a good one.