Aiden’s DIY Thomas the Train Birthday Celebration: A Labor Day Surprise!

You guys, Aiden’s birthday is on Thursday, September 5th. But we decided to do, um, a little something small for him today, September 1st, Labor Day, because everyone’s off of work, and he doesn’t have school today. So it was just easier that way for me also. So I did this little, like, DIY decor for him. He just. He decided this year that he wanted Thomas the train. Every single year, I let my kids choose whatever theme they want, and I tried to DIY something myself, and this is what I did. Let me show you guys. So this is what I ended up doing for him, you guys. Um, I got everything, I think, on Amazon. And then, um, this backdrop. I know it’s kind of small for that window. I know. It’s bothering me, too, but I did what I could, and I tried my best. So this is what it looks like. And then I just added a bunch of little, like, toys. Play Doh, Oreos, cookies. These are just napkins, plates, little cutouts, cupcakes, a cake. And then I added all the toppers on the cake and on the cupcakes. Rice Krispies, more cookies, chocolate. Just little snacks. And then, um, I got him all these little, like, toys. And then these are, uh, candles. This one’s actually so cute. I got this one on Amazon, and it has seven, I think, seven surprises. Um, it’s kind of like those calendars that girls open on Christmas where You. You open one every day for, like, makeup. Do you guys know what I’m talking about? It’s kind of like those calendars, but this is, um, seven different little trains. So I’m excited for him to try open that. But that’s pretty much what it looks like, you guys. And then we, um, are doing a little, like, set up outside. We got him this little bounce. Bounce house with a slide. And then over here, we’re gonna, um, add a canopy and, um, can. Canopy. That’s how you say. That’s pretty much it. I hope you guys have a great Monday, and I will see you guys later.