Embracing Failure: A Journey of Learning and Growth Through First-time Mistakes

Every single thing we’ve done for the first time, we failed that. Our first shipment of T-shirt, there were too many ends in bananas. We actually misspelled if you guys in merchandise. Not a good start. Okay? We failed miserably with that. Then our first ever game, all you can eat. Fans had to wait almost two to three hours to get food. We had no idea what we’re doing. And then you go to our first ticket launch, the ticket system shut down. Last week, we were on ESPN. The transmission went out for the first 10 minutes on national prime time television. Every single thing that we have done, we have failed at first. And most people, what happens? They give up after a failure. We do so much that we’re not scared of doing what they call a failure. If we are not failing, we’re not trying big enough things. It’s our willingness to get through the messy, to get to the great. What are you doing that you’ve never done before? That you can experiment with and try. It’s probably gonna fail at first, but then we’ll get to the next one, and then get to the next one. And it’s always, get to that next at bat. Get to that next at bat. Get to the next at bat. Pete Rose has more hits than anyone ever played Major League Baseball. He also has 14,000 at bats. He has 2,000 more at bats than anyone Ever played. Of course he had more hits. So our mindset is to keep coming to bat every single day and keep doing that. Failure doesn’t scare us. It’s part of what we do.