The Old Money Guide to White After Labor Day: A Stylish Breakdown of Fashion Rules and Exceptions

Labor Day has passed why are you still wearing white??? do you think you’re the exception to the rule? there have been quite a few videos on here explaining the no white after Labor Day rule so surely I don’t need to explain it again fine …old money people decreed that it was very new money and attention seeking to wear white after Labor Day it’s just showing off!!! you may be thinking but Auntie Kiki aren’t there some old money aesthetic exceptions I’m going to go over the possible exceptions to the no white rule but there is one thing you all think is a wonderful Old money aesthetic way of breaking the no white after Labor Day rule and you’re all incorrect let’s start with these so called exceptions a white wedding dress that’s peak looking for attention pearls well it’s jewelry and it really says I have fancy daytime events to go to white Bucks yes we know you’re Ivy League educated white fisherman sweater? we get it darling you have a boat tennis whites? you live a life of leisure white riding britches you have a full time laundress on staff and everyone’s thinking Auntie Kiki white jeans! darling are you an Argentine polo player? if not knock it off! these things are inappropriate no matter where you are They’re still jeans! don’t you have a dog horse or garden? even if you winter in Palm Beach Harbour Island St Barts or Montecito don’t you have things to do someplace more civilized in the fall? I should think so You’re just trying to prove you’re skinnier and more immaculate than anyone else so get off your seasonal superiority complex I hope this helped