Unveiling the Truth: Exposing a Military Impersonator’s Lack of Integrity and Courage

Why did you come forward? It is morally indefensible. He didn’t care. It was all about him. He’s a military impersonator. I don’t understand how he could do it morally. Or, you know, you got absolutely no integrity. The rumor went across the state that he had quit and it was like, who the hell does that? I mean, it was just unbelievable that a CSM abandoned his troops with 500 soldiers, basically. But beyond that, there’s a thousand parents out there that expect that person to lead those people into combat. He’s a habitual liar. He lies about everything. He lies about stuff that doesn’t make sense. You’re taking a piece of their thunder and you’re trying to capture it and put it in a bottle for yourself and use that for your own benefit. He basically said, I’ve got better things to do. You know, let’s go pick somebody else to go on a mission. Not if you sold out your guard unit and abandoned them. I mean, what are you gonna do? At the national level, fear is a reaction. Bravery is a decision. And walls has made the wrong decision. He’s not brave. I call him a coward cause he is.