Feasting with the Dark Gods: A Tale of Squigs, Sacrifice, and Betrayal

Brother, give me some of your squigs. No way, boss. By starving him? Akari, you runt! اه يا لهوكي I’ve seen this before I’ve watched out the war bands march for corn. How the slaves of slannesh weep when they get crumped. And I know this. The dark gods always fatten one of us up before dragging him into the shack of No Return. They’re gonna do horrible things in that shack, my, where the chosen go to feast with the gods. You’re a fool! I’ll leave you in the muck with your stupid ideas. Nah, Macari, you gammy Groat. Share them squigs and you won’t get all fat for the dark gods. They’ll let you live, little mate. Ah, so that’s it, innit? You just want me for my squigs. You’re a sneaky git, boss. I won’t fall for your tricks. When they dragged me outside the spiky fences into the big roarer, and far over the hills, I saw it. They took me to a gathering of the dark gods worshippers. They showed me off like a prize. Quick! And I saw the truth. They was experimenting on our boys. Run! I smell the burning flesh. I saw it sizzling over the fire. And they were smiling. They even own with pleasure those consumers. Just like that big red squid beast that ate so many of us before. They’re just like horn, slanesh, nurgle, Zyntix. They feasted on us. Nice story, boss, but you ain’t convincing me. I’m Keeping these squigs, and I’ll feast with the dark gods myself. I feel sorry for you, Mccurry. Your eyes can’t handle the truth, and so you scurry back to the shadows when they’ve done munching on you. I’ll take care of you runs, just like I did for all the other banner boys who don’t listen to their bosses.