Breaking Math Barriers: The Inspiring Story of Kelsey Johnson and Nikia Jackson

Are you math geniuses? I think that’s a stretch. If not genius, you’re really smart at math. Not at all. To document Kelsey and Nakia’s work, math teachers at Saint Mary’s submitted their proofs to an American Mathematical Society conference in Atlanta in March 2023. Well, our teacher approached us and was like, hey, you might be able to actually present this. I was like, are you joking? But she wasn’t. So we went, I got up there, we presented, and it went well, and it blew up. It blew up? Yeah. Yeah. What was the blow up like? Insane. Unexpected. Crazy, honestly. Today’s story features two high school students, Kelsey Johnson and Nikia Jackson. It took millennia to prove, but just a minute. For word of their accomplishment to go around the world. They got a write up in South Korea and a shout out from former first lady Michelle Obama, a commendation from the governor, and keys to the city of New Orleans. Why do you think so many people found what you did to be so impressive? Probably because we’re African American one and also women, so I think. Oh, and our age. Of course, our ages probably played a big part. So you think people were surprised that young African American women could do such a thing? Uh, yeah, definitely. I’d like to actually be celebrated for what it is. Like, it’s a great mathematical achievement.