Lost and Found in Magic City: A Journey of Self-Discovery

He asked me if I have plans tonight. How do I tell him I’m on the I? Ninety five windows down, sky almost as blue as my thoughts. Out looking for myself again tonight in Magic City. In Magic City. I was seven when I first came here. Rubbing my eyes nervously, clutching that second hand doll I got from the Thiangis at the border. Tired after that four day journey. The city opened her arms to me. Said maybe I didn’t belong to nowhere. Maybe I could belong here. You don’t think I forgot a piece of me in the country we left? I was 14 when I put on my first pair of heels, stumbled like Bambi onto the stage and sang. You don’t think that little girl got left behind then and there? I’m 27 now. You don’t think I come crawling back to the city’s 97 degree embrace, battered, shattered from this journey? Long, thick black hair turned white from flying too close to the sun? How many times do you think I’ve gone out looking for myself in the orange hue of the streetlights, in the eyes of my sister, in the baby blue of the sky? Trying again, again, again. To find that place in me that is indestructible? I’m out looking for myself again tonight in Magic City. I’ll be home in the morning. C XOXO.