Beat the Box: Finding Your Rhythm and Staying Cool Under Pressure

In the box, and sometimes you get anxious and everything speeds up, right? You’re a dude that, like, when you get in the box, you should be thinking about, like, a slow country song or some classical, right? Where you, like, you’re just laid back and chill. You need to be thinking about some freaking hip hop or some Metallica, bro. Like, some guys have, like, really, really fast heartbeats, right? And some guys, it’s just like, like, dude, are you, like. Are you even locked in, right? So totally different. You get really anxious in the box sometimes, so you gotta find a way to slow the heartbeat down. You look like you’re cool as a freaking cucumber, and you’re like, whatever, man. I’m just gonna Rake. So for you, it may be, hey, I gotta find a way to get hyped up.