In Defense of Innocence: Why Halloween Should Be Fun for Kids

And I don’t like people who try to turn like little holidays for kids into something negative and just come on now, like for real. Like, a little boy wanna dress up as Batman, a little girl wanna put on a Barbie outfit, dress up and say trick or treat, and you’re over here talking about, is devilish, is demonic, doing all that. Like, you’re the one putting the negativity on it. Do you think a four or five year old is concerned with all that extra nonsense there? All they know is, oh, it’s Halloween, we’re gonna go trick or treating, we’re gonna put on our costume and ask for candy. Like, the kids is innocent. All they’re thinking about is, is candy. You’re thinking about all that other stuff. So now you’re saying they’re gonna go to hell cause they’re. Cause kids, innocent children are putting on outfits and Santa Claus and asking for some candy. Like, is. Is that what. Is that what we’re gonna do? Like, interesting. I don’t know. I went trick or treating as a kid, so it’s like, to me, it’s only right. Like, when I have my children, they’re going to go trick or treating because I did that. Like, it’s. To me, to me, it’s. It’s not that serious. Like, this is life. Like, it’s literally not. It’s okay. Like, you’re not gonna make it to hell cause you’re asking for a piece of candy. Like, oh my god. Like, please, Then it confused me, cause y’all to say that didn’t be like we’re passing candy out at the church. Okay, alright.