Empowering Votes: Breaking the Silence and Canceling Out Inequality

Whose vote do you want your vote to balance out? I’ll go first. When I first started college, I was going to this super tiny state school in the middle of nowhere, rural Pennsylvania. And I was taking a political science Gen Ed. And I was not studying political science yet. I was one of three women in this class of about 35 students, and the rest of them were men, all wearing red hats, if you’re catching my drift. One day, his class is starting. One of the girls in my class raise her hand to answer a question about, like, the economy or something, I don’t remember. And as she’s raising her hand, she shares the same viewpoint as the boys in this class, mind you. And one of the boys in the back of his class raises his hand and goes, women actually don’t belong in politics. Excuse the fuck out of me. What did you just say? And I’m thinking, like, the professor is gonna start yelling at this kid. No. Every boy in that class starts laughing hysterically. My professor turns around from the board and goes and just keeps teaching. What? She looks so upset, so defeated. Just puts her head down, silent the rest of the class. She’s pretty much silent the rest of the semester, too. So that night, I went home and I changed my major to political science. And now I have a platform of 770,000 people where I inform People about politics so that they can go out and vote. Educated. So I am voting to cancel out that kid who made that comment in my classes. Vote. And I hope that because of this platform, I’ve convinced enough of you to vote. To also cancel out every kid who laughed in that classroom, including my professors. Vote as well. Do better. And also, I transfer because I was not putting up with it for four years.