Love in the Big Apple: A Meet Cute Story from New York City

Excuse me. Sorry. Are you two a couple? Yes. Would you mind telling us the story of how you first met? You guys are the meet cute in New York City? Yeah. Yeah. We met through our friend. He lived in Germany and I wasn’t here. They made us talk with each other. How long did you talk on the phone before you met in person? Two years. We were talking for two years before you met? Yes. And then got married. What was it like when you met for the first time in person? We are from Bangladesh. Yeah. So we planned to got married in Bangladesh. She planned with my sisters, and she came about to surprise me. My sisters took me in a restaurant, and all of a sudden I saw her. I was like, who is there? Two years in. What’s your favorite thing about him? He always pay attention to my smallest things. After a time of life, you forgot to do for yourself, he came to my life and he said, taking care of the stuff I never pay attention to for myself. He does that for me. What’s your favorite thing about her? She basically keep me in center. What are you two most excited for in the future? He promised me he’s gonna show me the world, so I want to do that. And let’s see where life take us. And what are your names? Um, my name is Aisha. And my name is Sonny. And do you have any photos of the wedding? Yes.