Maximizing Sales: The Evolution of a Keychain and Sticker Vendor’s Booth Setup

This is everything I did to quadruple my sales in the past four years at the same event, despite the economy. I’m an animal, keychain and sticker vendor with over 1,000 designs I drew myself. We’re gonna walk down memory lane and analyze all of my booth setups year by year. We had a real glow up in 2024. I got a double booth, so it’s a 10 by 20. I upgraded my keychain walls so they would be more portable and easier for setup and breakdown, which allowed me to do more events and further away as well. Every keychain and sticker has its own slot now, so you can really see how many designs I actually have. Because part of the appeal of my booth and my business in general is how inclusive we are and how many animals we have represented. I really started branding my booth and leaning into the rainbow theme. Colors really make it pop, if I do say so myself. And it looks like a fun and exciting place to be. I expanded into wildlife and marine life this year, which means I’m hitting a totally new audience. But I still have a lot of gaps to fill before I’m content. I think I’m at about 13 designs, but to be honest, I stopped counting after 1,000. I started hiring help so we could process transactions faster because we had a line out the booth at some events, even with two people working. At checkout, I changed my pricing to include bundle deals so that people would be encouraged to buy more at a time or to rope in their friends so they could get a better deal. I listened to my customers and started offering an option to customize your keychains through the charm bar. So this is a station where you can choose add ons for your keychain to make it one of a kind? We have initials, you can swap out your chain color, we have some icons, and I post some of your creations on social media too. These little add ons really helped increase my average purchase amount. Mystery keychain and sticker blind bag served as a budget option or for people who just can’t decide what to get but they still want to support my own. Basically I started offering items at different price points and introduced an activity based purchase, so it’s been really fun to see friend groups and families all open their blind bags at the same time. And if you think this is the final iteration of my booth setup, you would be wrong. I have so many ideas on how I can improve for next year, but you’ll have to wait and see what I have up my sleeve. Make sure you follow for more vendor tips and let me know if you wanna see any other topics covered!