Encouraging Questions for Children: Beyond ‘How was School Today?’

10 questions you should ask children beyond “How was school today?” No. 1 what was the best part of your day? No. 2 did anything surprise you today? No. 3 who are you proud of today? No. 4 did you feel proud of yourself today? No.5 what is the one thing that you would have made today even better? No. 6 what was the most interesting thing you learnt today? No. 7 what did you do or play during break? No. 8 who are you kind to day, No. 9 what is something new you would like to try at school? and No. 10 what mistake did you learn from today? children need to know that mistakes are not something to be embarrassed about and that it’s not a sign of intelligence instead mistakes can be a learning opportunity let there be light. I love you. God bless you, Shalom