Office Pizza Party Drama: A Comedy of Ungrateful Employees

Senior leadership has decided to reward you guys with a pizza party. Are you kidding me, bro? Nobody wants that doo doo ass pizza. I thought you guys liked pizza. Yeah, not in place of a raise, moron. This company sucks. Okay, okay, you didn’t even let me get to the best part. There’s gonna be cheese, pepperoni, veggie, and if you’re lucky, you can even have two slices if there’s enough. What is this, the UNICEF line? Wow, how gracious of you. I hate working here. Wow, you’re pathetic. Your superiors were kind enough to reward the subordinates. Five minutes off and some pizza. And this is how you repay them? Tell them they could take that pizza and shove it up their ass? You know how many people would be lucky to have your jobs right now? Is that why there’s such a high turnover rate? Where’d you get that suit? The toilet store? You know what? Forget it.