Finger-Licking Fun with Valerie: Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Hunt

Hi, y’all, it’s Valerie. Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, listen, I. I’m just. I am just so flabbergasted at all your lovely, beautiful questions. I have been still fingering these. I’ve been fingering these, and I’ve been like, I’m gonna answer a couple more. Ha ha ha! I got one here from Jacinta Mcgarry with two R’s. R R. And she asked me, I need a chocolate chip cookie recipe, please and thank you. Well, you said your pleases and your thank yous. Listen, I. I don’t have that recipe, I’m afraid. Just center. But you know who does? Ha ha ha! Barbara. She’s got that recipe. Barbara has it? She does. I gotta tell her, and I’m gonna pass that along for you. Oh, I think we should buy American. You Wally fly