Unlocking the Mysteries of Blackstate: A Promising Fusion of Metal Gear, Death Stranding, and Control

This game looks awesome, but I have questions. Blackstate was shown off earlier this summer and just has absolutely insane graphics. That’s kind of its whole thing. The world looks photo realistic so far. This game looks like Metal Gear combined with Death Stranding and control, which is a very solid combo. In fact, IGN said in the newest preview it’s a lot like control, which is a nice compliment when it comes to the story. The whole game is centered around these doors. Scientists called the architects are trying to uncover the truth behind a cataclysmic event. And that’s why they tapped you, unnamed main character, right now, because the universe and the game are split up by these doors that go to entirely different locations around the world. And somebody’s got to go through them to figure out what’s up. And congratulations, that’s you. Obviously, they’re keeping the details under wraps, but I like the concept. Now the question is if the story is going to be as good as the game looks. Because we’ve had a lot of games that have great visuals, but that are really just glorified tech demos for ray tracing. But the studio director at Motion Blur, the developers making this game, has said that this is not just a tech demo, and they doubled down on the fact that this is a story driven action game of huge ambition. Which sounds nice. Obviously, the proof is going to be in the final Game, but so far Black State looks wild. Let me know down below what do you think about this gameplay and are you adding Black State to your wish list?