Diving Into the Controversy: Analyzing the Minecraft Movie Trailer

the trailer for the Minecraft movie just dropped and lowkey why does it look like those clash of clan ads that I be seen on YouTube like it looks exactly like this am I the only one maybe it’s just niche I don’t know anyways trailer dropped and I’m not gonna lie boys I don’t I don’t know how to feel about this like on one hand like the world looks okay it looks pretty nice but like the humans in it just it just ruins the immersion and I sound like a dork saying this but like bro let’s be real here why wouldn’t you just do the movie animated it just seems like the easiest option I’m gonna sound like a broken record at this point because everybody online has been saying the same thing but like you guys gotta understand making a live action Minecraft movie was already weird enough but then doing this it’s just it’s just like it’s mind boggling I’m not the biggest Minecraft fan I’ll admit that I don’t really play the game like that but at the same time I’m gonna go watch the movie cause I know enough about the game I’ve played enough of the game and this just doesn’t look right I don’t know maybe I’m just a hater uh maybe it’s just a teaser trailer so there might be some more stuff coming out but as of right now bro this this should look a little whack up I don’t know