Apple Watch Ultra Returns: A Closer Look at Customer Feedback and Product Inspection

There’s no way a customer sent one of these Apple Watch ultras back already. These are clean, by the way, so if you need one, you know where to shop. So we just got this return back from a customer that bought one. I’m looking at it, and it doesn’t look damaged or anything, so maybe there was an internal issue. So I had one of our techs tested to make sure there wasn’t anything internally going on with it, and there was nothing wrong with it. So I looked more into it, and a customer said they didn’t want it because it looked bulky on their wrist. I mean, that is a valid point, I guess. So I went ahead and put it on my wrist to see what it looked like, and I don’t have the biggest wrist to start with, but I get where they’re coming from. It is a little bulky. We only added a few Apple Watches to the site. We have to finish testing and cleaning them, and then I’ll be more up ASAP.