Analysis and Policy: Rental Portfolio Excludes Android Users

We also don’t rent to any Android users, not only iPhone users in my portfolio. More about that. So last year we did an analysis on all the evictions and we realized the vast majority of evictions come as the result of Android userships. All of them have, all of the people that we evicted were using androids and we just didn’t want them anymore. So once their lease came up, assuming they weren’t a good tenant, cuz of course, occasionally you do have the outlier, but all new tenants moving starting in November of 2023 are all Android or iPhone users. Yeah, we do not accept Android users. And the way we do that is we send them an application via text and if they respond to it and it’s green, and then unfortunately there’s other applications been accepted. Listen, don’t spaz out Android users. We’re not.

Talking about the ones with the notes and the, yeah, tools. Android user. And then.

Guess the, the majority Android user, the majority of Android users are using 29 dollar flip phones prepaid. So when you see the green text, that’s we’re looking at it on a Android. If you want to learn how to buy your first section at rental property with only 25 hundred dollars down, I’m doing a free training this Wednesday at eight PM Eastern time. I’m click the link in the bio. I’ll see you there.