Unlocking Success: Tips for Achieving a 9 in GCSE Maths

Here’s how to get a 9 in GCSE maths. Now, GCSE maths was my easiest GCSE, and here’s why. Once you understand how to do a maths question, it’s in your brain. It’s gonna, like, engraved so you don’t have to keep revising it. But you need to learn how to understand the maths. First step, I use something called my maths, but just use any Youtuber that makes videos about maths. Watch how they answer the questions, make notes on, like, each step that they do, and do some practice questions using the notes that you made from that YouTube video. Like talking, like, when you’ve, like, done a example question or you’ve written a note here of, like, why he’s done this, then go do a, uh, some practice questions and just apply your knowledge. Most important thing in maths is applying your knowledge, because you never know how much you actually do know until you’re doing a question. Second, this is when. Very rare in high school, but listen in class. I know you’re, like, bad giddy, you’re just having bad fun with your friends, but once you listen in class, you start understanding so much more and it saves you so much time, because then you also relearn a lot of stuff. You don’t understand something. Just ask a question. Don’t be embarrassed. Like, no one’s gonna remember and who cares? Ask for help. Your teachers are very smart, hopefully. And you do like, I don’t Know, like 3 hours a week. You should be fine from us