Title: 60 Day Hustle: The High-Stress Reality Show Where Entrepreneurs Compete for $100,000 for Their Small Businesses

Are you watching 60 Day Hustle on Prime Video, where entrepreneurs are trying to win $100,000 for their small businesses? If you’re not, here’s why you should be. In episode 4, the entrepreneurs were forced to sell their product to the masses. However, if you didn’t make the cut, moments after finding out you didn’t, you had to compete in another challenge. Take a listen to this. We have more judges to help me decide who stays and who goes. In a minute, you’ll be selecting five people. Five. And you will have five minutes to sell the group on your products. At the end of the five minutes, they will decide if they want to part with their hard earned cash and buy your products. Your goal is to make as many sales and as much profit as possible. This was my exact reaction when I heard him say, pitch to five people in five minutes and try to sell the most product. What other reality show are you watching that puts each of these entrepreneurs and contestants on the spot like this? 60 Day Hustle is streaming right now on Prime Video, and you can join me and watching each episode as we root hard for Joshua to take home the hundred thousand dollars for his small business.